WINCH Consulting is associated with several companies to
share their work and skills on a certain type of objects.
Drawing on the assets of each, it is possible to meet the
customers’ needs and expectations much effectively.
Our partners are editors or service companies have understood
our added-value in the domain of BI and wish to offer their
customers or contacts the best decision-making solutions.
Partners include SAP, Northgate Arinso and Inop's.
WINCH Consulting is SAP’s «Business Object strategic partner»
and brings a functional content to SAP solutions.
Northgate Arinso provides strategic advice, outsourcing,
ERP HR implementation and software edition services. WINCH
Consulting is its exclusive partner in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and
Belgium on BI solutions.
INOP' S federates innovating SMEs that are concerned with
understanding the challenges of the IT world.